Change Management
“Change is about getting individuals to do their jobs differently”
Using resistance to change to change management
Through this One-Week Executive Seminar, MBC seeks to create the perfect opportunity for us to use our many years of know-how in continuing education to deepen executive professional skills and sharpen their leadership potentials.
Since the greatest single challenge of change management is the resistance to change, MBC seminars will centre on precisely using that resistance to help executives change management and processes to bring about a cultural business transformation.
MBC seminars promote the development of a critical thinking that allows executives and board members become aware that perceptions are interest-based and not necessarily aligned to corporate common goals.
Conflicts and frictions that limit enterprises capacity to change are the result of this lack of alignment of perceptions with common goals.
The objetc of MBC seminars is to build a discourse analysis through which executives can bring together (effectively) all the different parts and components os the firm to facilitate the creation and consolidation new common business goals.
For change to be delivered, it requires executives to derive knowledge, experience and input from multiple business units. This will enhance not only the leadership communication from above but a stakeholders’ expertise input from bellow.
Although change is a team effort, if executives are not convinced of the relevance and imminence of change, this will never spark off and become a transformational effort capable of reinventing the company.
Through a discourse strategy MBC seminars will offer executives the opportunity to develop a new mission statement to favour and guide future changes.
“While managers build to last … Leaders build to reinvent”
All one-week executive seminars will be held from Monday to Friday with daily sessions of six hours combining theory and practice. Saturday and Sunday will be used for sightseeing/recreation activities and personal travel. This one-week executive seminars will be held in scenic location Villas in Switzerland wih a maximum number of 20 participants to guarantee active engagement and whenever possible offer accommodation and catering to all participaants in the same place during the entire length of the event.